The subconscious mind is a component of the human mind that exists beneath the level of conscious awareness. It plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and experiences, even though we are not consciously aware of its workings most of the time. Understanding the subconscious is a central topic in psychology and neuroscience. Here are some key aspects of the subconscious mind:

Information Processing:

The subconscious mind is responsible for processing a vast amount of information that our conscious mind cannot handle simultaneously. It stores memories, beliefs, past experiences, and learned behaviours. These stored pieces of information influence our thoughts, decisions, and actions.

Autonomic Functions

Many physiological processes, such as heartbeat, digestion, and breathing, are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which operates at a subconscious level. You don’t consciously control these functions; they occur automatically.

Emotions and Habits

Emotions often arise from the subconscious mind in response to various stimuli and triggers. Similarly, habits, both good and bad, are often the result of repetitive actions or thought patterns that have become ingrained in the subconscious over time.

Creativity and Problem Solving

The subconscious mind is also associated with creativity and problem-solving. Many breakthrough ideas and solutions come from the subconscious, often when you are not actively thinking about a problem. This is why people sometimes have “eureka” moments when they least expect them.


Dreams are a manifestation of the subconscious mind at work during sleep. They can reflect hidden desires, fears, and unresolved issues. Analysing dreams can provide insights into the subconscious.

Influence on Behaviour

The subconscious mind can significantly influence behaviour. For example, irrational fears or phobias may be rooted in subconscious experiences or memories. Similarly, self-limiting beliefs can hold individuals back from achieving their full potential.


It is possible to reprogram the subconscious mind through various techniques such as hypnosis, meditation, positive affirmations, and cognitive-behavioural therapy. These methods aim to replace negative or unhelpful beliefs and behaviours with more positive ones. (This is what Emogic does for you)


The subconscious mind is not always accurate or rational. It can be influenced by biases, misconceptions, and false beliefs. This is why critical thinking and self-awareness are essential for personal growth and development.

Understanding and harnessing the power of the subconscious mind is a central focus in fields like psychology, psychotherapy, self-help, and personal development. By becoming more aware of its influence, individuals can work to overcome limitations, change unwanted behaviours, and achieve personal growth and self-improvement goals.

If you are ready to make these changes and take control of your thoughts then book in for an Emogic session.

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