
Generational Gaps in Emotional Etiquette

From Chimneys to Cheek Pinches: A Victorian Legacy Let's wind back the clock to the Victorian era, where kids were more likely to be seen shimmying up chimneys than speaking up at the dinner table. The motto of the time? "Children should be seen, not heard." While I...

The Power of Naming Your Emotions: A Journey Toward Healing

My journey with emotions has been a complex one, characterized by a long period of suppression followed by a transformative awakening. It wasn't until I was 15, in a moment of unexpected vulnerability while walking to school, that years of pent-up emotions made their...

Navigating Family Conflicts: Understanding, Resolving, and Healing

Family conflicts, a common yet complex issue, challenge families across generations. These disputes provide crucial opportunities for personal growth and healing, impacting not just the individuals directly involved but the entire family tree. In this blog, we'll...
Grounding techniques and how they can help

Grounding techniques and how they can help

Have you ever heard the phrase you need to ground yourself? Have you ever tried any grounding techniques? What does this mean, sitting down on the floor? Well in a sense, yeah. Grounding is a technique often used in mental health and mindfulness practices to bring...

Spiritual Healing: Why is it Needed?

Spiritual Healing: Why is it Needed?

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety are common experiences, the need for effective coping mechanisms is more vital than ever. This is where spiritual healing comes into play, offering a pathway to inner peace and overall well-being. At Emogic, we...



You may have seen this word kinesiology in my other blogs, well you have come to the right place now to find out what this is. Kinesiology in its broadest sense refers to the study of movement and the mechanics of body motion. However, this term can be applied in...

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