My journey with emotions has been a complex one, characterized by a long period of suppression followed by a transformative awakening. It wasn’t until I was 15, in a moment of unexpected vulnerability while walking to school, that years of pent-up emotions made their dramatic debut through tears. This episode was a pivotal realization for me; I had been storing these emotions for far too long, mirroring the emotional coping mechanisms of my parents who, despite their best efforts, often resorted to hiding their feelings until they overflowed.

The real turning point came after moving out at 26 with my family and embarking on a journey with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to address my non-epileptic seizures (I also wrote a book about this which can be found here), which I’d battled since 19. Reflecting back, I recognize these seizures as physical manifestations of the emotional turmoil I hadn’t allowed myself to acknowledge or express. Despite undergoing various medical tests and treatments with no conclusive results, it wasn’t until meeting a therapist through a serendipitous connection involving my sister and a neuroscientist, that I found the guidance I desperately needed.

The initial therapeutic exercise of simply naming my emotions revealed a profound discomfort with what I perceived as negative feelings. However, documenting every emotion I experienced over time — the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful — was enlightening. This practice became a cornerstone of my healing process, teaching me the importance of being present and communicative about my feelings, thereby enhancing my relationships and self-understanding.

Embrace the Spectrum of Your Emotions

The notion of an “emotion wheel” was introduced to me during therapy as a tool to better identify and articulate my feelings. I urge anyone feeling stuck or overwhelmed to adopt this practice. Place an emotion wheel in a prominent spot in your home, use it to acknowledge your feelings by marking the wheel, or consult it when you’re uncertain about what you’re experiencing. This simple act of recognition is a vital step towards healing; it’s crucial to allow yourself to truly feel.


My journey culminated in overcoming my non-epileptic seizures, a victory I attribute to releasing the emotions trapped within me and undergoing life regression therapy. This experience illuminated the impact of trauma on our emotional well-being and the importance of addressing these deep-seated feelings.

How Emogic Can Support Your Emotional Healing

At Emogic, we understand the weight of unexpressed emotions and the freedom that comes with releasing them. Our approach is compassionate, relatable, and tailored to each individual’s journey. We’re here to guide you through the process of uncovering and liberating repressed emotions, offering not just relief but a pathway to heal from your trauma.

If you’re navigating the complexities of emotional recognition and expression, or if you’re seeking to heal from past trauma, Emogic is ready to support you. Through personalized coaching and therapeutic techniques, we aim to empower you with the tools and understanding needed to transform your emotional health.

We invite you to reach out and begin your healing journey with us. Whether through our contact form or by booking a session, we’re eager to assist you in discovering the profound relief and healing that comes with embracing and expressing your emotions. Join us at Emogic, and let’s embark on this healing journey together.

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