How Somatic Experiencing Can Heal Trauma

How Somatic Experiencing Can Heal Trauma

In our journey towards holistic well-being, understanding the intricate connection between the mind and body is crucial. This is where the practice of somatic experiencing, a body-focused therapeutic approach, plays a transformative role in healing trauma. At Emogic,...


Do you dissociate? What do you think dissociation is? Do you have moments where you stare into the distance, or you don’t know how you got somewhere, or unexplained seizures? You may have dissociative seizures, also known as Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES)...
Trauma and how it affects everyone differently.

Trauma and how it affects everyone differently.

Does everyone have trauma? Everyone may experience different traumas in their life but how these then affect individuals can be very different. Were you ever shouted at by a parent or teacher? Did someone say something hurtful to you? Were your emotions unvalidated?...