Tell us your story?

Would you like to get something off your chest? Here at Emogic we love to help, even if that is just being a listening ear. We are offering a place for you to vent, sometimes its hard to tell those we love about our past or how we are feeling. It is easier to tell a stranger, if you would like to tell your story then fill out the form below. If you would like someone to contact you then we can, if not then we won’t, but you get to vent.

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Lilli's story

I didn’t know that I needed to vent. I just wanted to help others. I wrote a book about my life and my struggles of which I am still overcoming. Writing this book was very cathartic, I found myself uncovering old wounds, and finding appreciation for the people around me who loved and supported me. Shadow work continues and new struggles are formed but through Emogic, I have undergone oh so much healing. If you would like to read my book it can be found on Amazon through the link below.

Lilli’s story:

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